Tuesday, 1 July 2008

The First Post

I've wanted to have a blog about sex for a long time, but haven't known where or how to start.

But finally it begins as I acknowledge to myself and to the world that sex is a big deal for me.

My mother said to me a couple of months back, "It's better when you get to the stage of life where sex and all that sort of thing isn't actually that important any more. Isn't it?"

Which was quite funny really. She was interpreting the fact that my husband and I now sleep separately as my lack of sex-drive, when nothing could be further from the truth.

At 42, my feelings about sex are different from when I was younger, yes, but they have not diminished. They have changed in a good way - they have evolved. Sex has been the driving force behind my life from around the age of 15 and it still is.

About five months ago, my husband started sleeping separately from me. This was his own choice, and apparently because he gets a better nights sleep in a bed on his own. On the upside, it has given me the chance to indulge in a little self-exploration and to lose myself in my own memories of past lovers and fantasies. I have a strong imagination, and am a great believer in sexual fulfilment being very much a mind thing.

My own sex-life is very far from over. It would be nice to think that throught the writing of this blog, it will be entering a new phase.


Rogue said...

How lovely to have come upon your blog, seeing how this medium is new for you. I'll look forward to what you share with us.

I hope that for you, as it has been for me, exploring this venue of fun and frolic will be rewarding and liberating. Go you.

Anna S said...

Thanks rogue - lovely to meet you and thanks for the encouragement.

Cate said...

I had had similar conversations with my mother and often thought that I must be insane because I have always loved sex and can't imagine losing interest.

Like Rogue, I am looking forward to reading your blog!

Cate xxx

Anna S said...

Hi Cate, nice to know I'm not the only one!!